Real Kiwis, Real Results.
Seeing is believing.

Life changing.
"Finding little time to spend on myself like I used to, the Herbeauty range has been life changing for my skin! I love that the mask doubles as much cleanser. It always makes my skin plump and glowing!" — Lisa M.

It's Magic!
"I like the natural smell to it. Very easy to apply. I loved how fresh and tight my skin felt afterwards. I would definitely use this again and yes I can see and feel it working it's magic. I'm happy with the results and I think with more applications it will improve my skin even more." — Toni B.

In just 10 days.
"I love the super hydration it creates, I didn't even need to apply my moisturiser afterwards. In just 10 days this mask has actually cleared up my dry skin and eczema issues." — Rachel S.

Love, love, love this.
"Love Love Love. Before using this product I was constantly having breakouts. I applied to my breakout areas once a day and found that the Herbeauty mask stopped the breakout getting worse. In fact breakouts wouldn't turn into nasty sores, they didn't reappear. My face has colour since using this product like my skin is alive. And my face feels so so smooth.. again love this." — Pam B.

Firmer & soft.
"I really enjoyed this hemp face mask. The smell was good, soothing on my face and my skin feels very hydrated after the applications. After the 4 applications it agreed nicely with my skin and it is feeling very fresh and clean. My skin feels firmer and soft." — Katrina. K

"Wow! when I wiped it off my face felt like pure silk. It left my skin very soft, smooth, refreshed and a glow to it. It's definitely helped soften my wrinkles and lines. I have very uneven skin texture and it also made an improvement. I can't wait to use it more." — Suzie N.

I'm blown away!
"I'm 66 years old and I've been doing skincare religiously day and night since I was 16yrs old.
This product has made the most difference to my skin out of anything I've ever tried. I'm blown away! It's made it so much more hydrated and plump. The tone of my skin has evened out and it's given me the confidence for the first time to be makeup free." — Lisa M.

I'm amazed.
"To say l'm amazed would be an understatement - one week in and my skin looks and feels amazing and is clearer than it has been in years." — Vanessa O.
"I already feel less stressed and calm during the busy week, and I am only 2 weeks in! I have absolutely loved my journey using @nzhempress oil and Maca tablets so far!"
"I am 2 weeks in and I am loving it! This balm is amazing, I use it on my muscles especially after crossfit training and I have used it on my skin when it gets aggravated and flares, this balm noticeably calms it down really quickly."
"I’ve been using both the oil and the balm. I LOVE the balm. The balm was really good on my achy muscles. I’ve noticed the oil has helped with my stress levels whilst studying and I feel way more rested."
"Since I first started using the balm, it instantly became my first choice of relief for my back. As it soothed and relieved my lower back. In all honesty, I give this product a 5/5 rating. Will definitely use it again!"
"The capsules are convenient with the extra Maca it helps with stamina as well which makes me look and feel better, my friends, work colleagues can't believe I'm a mother for four in my mid 40s"
"This has dramatically improved my quality of rest and helps me get to zzzzz faster! I will definitely continue taking and recommending this product!"
"I’m absolutely loving the oil! My back has improved a lot! I’ve also been a lot less anxious."
"Hemp is a product that I have been taking now for about two years as part of my daily routine. It makes me feel more balanced and calm."
"I absolutely love the Herb.eauty products! I use the drops daily and notice I’m more calm and by body is feeling better overall. I love the balm for my sore muscles and will often rub it on my neck."
"I really suffer around that time of the month and after using the oil I definitely noticed improvement. Likewise the balm felt very soothing."
"Hubby and I are taking Hempress hemp oil daily and it’s been a wonderful addition to our protocol to reduce our internal stress and resilience."